
Autism interventions can extend beyond center-based ABA programs, providing valuable experiences right in the comfort of your home.

Home Based ABA Therapy

Autism interventions do not have to happen solely within a center-based ABA program—they can also be experienced at home.

While school, community, and clinical interventions are often developed to target behaviors within those settings; Home-based ABA interventions are typically taught in the home and then generalized to other environments once the skills are mastered.

Benefits of Home Based ABA Therapy


One of the primary advantages of home-based ABA therapy is that it allows children to develop new skills in their natural surroundings. Being in a familiar environment often makes children feel more comfortable and secure, which can enhance their learning experience. Since they spend most of their early years at home, this setting provides an ideal backdrop for effective therapy.


Our home-based services extend benefits beyond the child, positively impacting the entire family. This approach actively involves family members, helping them understand and implement the best practices of ABA therapy. As children learn new skills in their natural environment, they feel more at ease and confident. Additionally, parents and caregivers can easily participate in the therapy sessions, fostering a supportive and collaborative atmosphere.


Home-based therapy eliminates the inconvenience of traveling to clinics and waiting for appointments. We prioritize your convenience by scheduling sessions around your availability, making the process smooth and hassle-free.

Increase Daily Life Skills

Home-based therapy options also assist in teaching children essential daily living skills.

  • Hygiene and/or personal care
  • Getting dressed
  • Brushing your teeth
  • Washing your hands
  • Meal preparation
  • Toy cleanup

Soraya Quezada

Client Onboarding Team Lead

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Soraya Quezada

Client Onboarding Team Lead