For children with autism, going back to school after summer break can be an exciting time. However, with the current circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, it may make for a more difficult transition to in-person or e-learning. Here are some tips on how you can enhance learning for your child in the classroom.

  • Provide your child’s teacher with as much information as possible. Information like your child’s likes, dislikes, favorite sensory activities, and favorite extracurricular activities can help your child’s teacher decide on the best method of teaching for your child. 
  • Meet with your child’s teacher if possible. Meeting with your child’s teacher in person or over a video call allows you to ask questions that may be easier to ask than over email. Not to mention, participating in meetings with your child’s teacher shows them you’re serious about their education and looking to put forth the most effort to help your child succeed.
  • Share your child’s diagnosis with their teacher. As a parent, sharing your child’s diagnosis with their peers is a personal decision, but sharing their diagnosis with their teacher with full disclosure offers clarity for learning methods and how the teacher may handle and understand your child.

While the COVID-19 pandemic can be a stressful time, your child’s education is still important. Allowing yourself to embrace the recent changes with your child may make it easier for them to adjust to the changes they will face this upcoming school year.

Published On: October 9th, 2020 / Categories: Uncategorized /